Vishal Bhardwaj and his son Aasman Bhardwaj’s film Kuttey , featuring an ensemble cast, was supposed to clash with Katrina Kaif, Ishaan Khatter, Siddhant Chaturvedi starrer Phone Bhoot and Janhvi Kapoor, Sunny Kaushal starrer Mili on November 4, gets a new release date. While the horror comedy and survival drama released last week, the Aasman Bhardwaj directorial debut will release in January 2023. The Arjun Kapoor, Tabu, Radhika Madan starrer has been pushed further and its release has been scheduled during Sankranti 2023. Kuttey has been scheduled for a release on January 13, 2023, right before the festive season of Sankranti which falls on January 14. Interestingly, the release date was earlier occupied by Om Raut and T-Series’ ambitious project Adipurush starring Prabhas, Kriti Sanon, and Saif Ali Khan. Earlier today, the makers announced that the film’s release has been pushed further for summer 2023 and will release in June. Meanwhile, the Arjun Kapoor starrer unique thrill...