Arjun Bijlani, who is one of the most popular actors on television, recently celebrated Ganesh Chaturthi and in his post, he also revealed that he has shifted to a new residence. While he has been enjoying the luxuries of his new home, on the work front, he is seen hosting the popular weekly show Ravivaar with Star Parivaar. In fact, during a recent episode, the actor turned a singer from being a host on the show. Arjun tried his hands at singing recently and recorded one of his most favourite songs, ‘Yaaron’ which is originally sung by the late KK. Speaking about it recently, Arjun Bijlani said," This was my first ever song that was recorded. I have been singing the song ‘Yaaron’ by KK from a very young age. It's my favorite song and it was a nostalgic feeling. I feel after that, I got to know that I am going to record this song.” When asked if he ever thought of giving singing a chance, he shared, “I always loved singing and my friends and family have watched me singing ...