For the last four years, Manushi Chhillar has been relentlessly working towards raising awareness on menstrual hygiene in India through her non-profit advocacy platform Project Shakti. This year, on Menstrual Hygiene Day, Manushi has been roped in by UNICEF to raise awareness on the issue in India. Manushi says, “Poor menstrual hygiene affects the health and wellbeing of women and especially girls, but we don’t very often discuss this. The existing culture of silence, misinformation and harmful myths around menstruation denies many girls the future and opportunities that they deserve.” Poor menstrual health continues to be a cause of concern due to the lack of education on the issue, persisting taboos, and stigma, limited access to hygienic menstrual products, and poor sanitation infrastructure, that often undermines educational opportunities, health, and overall social status of women and girls in India and around the world. Too many girls are missing out on the future they deserve...