Yaariyan actor Himansh Kohli has informed that his family has tested positive for coronavirus. However, the actor tested negative. “Since the last 2-3 days, mom, dad and my sister, Disha were having symptoms of viral infection including mild fever. Recently, we all got ourselves tested for Novel Coronavirus – mom, dad and Disha have tested positive with mild Covid-19 infection,” he wrote on Instagram. Himansh thanked the “government authorities for all the help and the advice. Hats off to all the people working hard to make sure we all are safe. I hope we come out of it and recover very soon.” “I am taking care of myself and my family members. In the meanwhile, safeguard your family and ensure that they are taking all precautions. Even the slightest bit of carelessness can be harmful. But, please don’t be scared, a sane mind deals with all the problems better. Wishing all of you good health and lots of love,” Kohli wrote on Instagram. On the work front, Himansh Kohli last...